Saturday, November 22, 2014

Cytadren (aminoglutethimide)

In the world of modern day performance enhancement Cytadren is relatively unknown but not that long ago is was one of the top preferred methods of aromatase and estrogen control. Unlike many similarly related medications Cytadren holds two distinctive benefits; however, it also is found lacking in other regards. While one of the most powerful medications of this class very few will ever have a reason to supplement with it but those who do will find it very powerful indeed.

The Benefits of Cytadren:
There are two benefits to Cytadren use as it pertains to the performance enhancer; estrogen and cortisol suppression. Like Arimidex and Letrozole Cytadren inhibits the aromatase process; so much so estrogen levels are almost completely suppressed when this medication is used. This can be very beneficial for a competitive bodybuilder during the last few weeks of contest prep as it will lend to a dryer and harder look. As amazing as its anti-estrogen benefits are it is the cortisol suppression that really sets Cytadren apart from the rest of the field. This is a trait other aromatase inhibitors and SERMs do not possess. If youre a performance enhancer then you understand how damaging the hormone cortisol can be to your pursuits and since it is largely stress induced and youre putting your body under immense stress do to necessary performance, such as weight training any suppression of cortisol is more than welcomed.

The Downsides of Cytadren:
Strong estrogen and cortisol suppression should sound like a very good thing to any performance enhancer considering the aromatase process is what produces many negative side-effects and cortisol destroys muscle tissue and promotes fat gain. However, too much estrogen suppression is not a good thing as some is needed for gains as well as proper bodily function; particularly the immune system. Moreover, the side-effects of this anti-estrogen can be somewhat problematic as it can zap energy and bring about strong bouts of insomnia and nausea. However, it is its liver toxicity that will be the largest concern as Cytadren is extremely hepatic and if used should only be used for very short periods of time in order to allow the liver time to heal.

There is also another downside that cannot be ignored; most all other medications of this nature will increase testosterone levels in the body; Cytadren lacks this ability. Because it will not increase testosterone there is no use for it during a post cycle therapy plan; this is uncommon among this class of drugs as most are well-suited for this purpose.

The bottom line is simple; Cytadren is a powerful estrogen suppressor with special properties due to its nature that in some ways rank it a little higher than the rest; however, due to what it is also lacking makes it for most a medication they will never need to use. As it has no place in a post cycle therapy plan and the side-effects are abnormally strong for these types of medications most have no business using it. Even so, for the competitive bodybuilder this is the one place we can make an exception; however, we would not advise it being used for a long length of time; either Arimidex or Letrozole will still be this individuals primary choice with perhaps a little Cytadren towards the end of the contest preparation if needed.

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