Saturday, November 22, 2014

Arimidex (Anastrozole)

Arimidex is a powerful anti-estrogen medication more aptly labeled an aromatase inhibitor (AI) originally developed to treat breast cancer. As is common with many AIs and anti-estrogen medications designed for this purpose Arimidex has found a welcomed home in the world of performance enhancing based on the same attributes designed in its original intent. Comprised of the active drug Anastrozole, the original trade name given was by its creator AstraZeneca and most forms regardless of manufacture will follow suit with either the original trade name of the actual drug name itself.

Arimidex performs by actively blocking the aromatase enzyme; this is important for steroid users as the aromatase process is what is responsible for many of the negative side-effects commonly associated with anabolic steroid use. As many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen such side-effects as Gynecomastia and excess water retention can become a problem to name a few but with supplemental Arimidex such problems can largely be reduced and often eliminated altogether. Through supplemental Arimidex use we actively block the estrogen conversion and reduce the total amount of estrogen in the body thereby preventing what isnt there from binding to the receptors of the body.

While Arimidex can be used while on cycle as well as during post cycle therapy (PCT) most will find its use is best served while on cycle and the using of SERMs to be the best bet during a PCT. However, for on cycle purposes AIs such as Arimidex will prove to be far more beneficial and effective; more so than SERMs although they can be used here as well. While an AI such as Arimidex will actually reduce estrogen a SERM such as Nolvadex or Clomid will not; these SERMs will only block the estrogen from binding and they will not block all of it and will not reduce. However, as Arimidex will reduce total levels too much will do so to a degree that will actually hinder the athletes progression as some estrogen is needed for tissue gains and more importantly a well-functioning body.

The manner by-which Arimidex reduces estrogen is really the main reason why its not a preferred PCT medication. Yes, it will increase testosterone levels during the PCT period, the entire purpose of the PCT process to begin with but the estrogen reduction is too much for this purpose and SERMs will prove to be a better choice to meet this end. A solid plan for most to follow is a small dosing of Arimidex while on cycle; generally 0.5mg every other day will get the job done, although some will need to go as high as 1mg every other day in order to prevent side-effects from anabolic steroid use. As 1mg will prove to be our general max dose those in the competitive bodybuilding world will often supplement with 1mg every single day shortly before competition. Short periods of high dosing will provide a physique a much harder and dryer look but in this case such dosing will generally only last 7-14 days in total duration as some estrogen is needed in the body for the long haul. Once the cycle of anabolic steroids is complete and the PCT period begins dropping all Arimidex and anabolic steroids and beginning therapy with SERMs such as Nolvadex and Clomid will prove to be optimal as they will increase natural testosterone production while allowing enough estrogen in the body to perform the designated tasks.

Arimidex vs Nolvadex:
The main advantage in using arimidex over a SERM, like tamoxifen (nolvadex), is that arimidex blocks the aromatase enzyme; thereby, it prevents the production of estrogen in the first place. As a comparison, Tamoxifen will hinder the estrogen receptors from receiving the estrogen, rather than stopping production at the source. Therefore, you’ll still have estrogen floating around in your body when you use a SERM.

Arimidex vs Letrozole:
Arimidex side effects are not as harsh when compared to AI like letrozole, which has a host of side effects; the most common being erectile dysfunction. Although estrogen is known as a female hormone, men still need it in their bodies. For men, estrogen balances them hormonally and helps them gain muscle and strength. That’s why letrozole, a harsh AI that kills almost all estrogen, isn’t always the best to achieve hormonal balance on your cycle. On the other hand, this is where arimidex shines, as it is a gentle AI that won’t crush your estrogen levels, so you can be more balanced.

Arimidex Side Effects:
Side effects of arimidex virtually do not exist. In breast cancer studies, there was some bone weakness associated with arimidex use, but keep in mind it was used for years on a daily basis. For a bodybuilder, who uses a proper dose during a cycle, this is not an issue.

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