Saturday, November 22, 2014


Faslodex is an estrogen receptor antagonist, which has no agonist effects at all. What Faslodex does is downregulates Estrogen Receptors (kinda like how Clen DownRegulates your beta you get decreased effects from the stuff). Basically, Faslodex binds to the Estrogen Receptor more strongly then Tamoxifen, but still has no estrogen agonist effects.

The resultant down regulation of your Estrogen Receptors from the use of Faslodex results in decreased expression of the Progesterone Receptor as well! Tamoxifen, as we all know, can increase the sides from progesteronic drugs because of an increase in progesterone receptor expression. You can take Faslodex as both an anti-estrogen and an anti-progestin. You do not need to buy Arimidex (or similar drugs), and Bromocriptine!

Faslodex is administered via an IM injection of 250mgs once per month! And at that dose, Faslodex has have most if not all of the same estrogen lowering effects of 1mg/day of Arim or 2.5mgs per day of Letrozole, but has the added benefits of lowering progesterone receptor expression.

Fareston (Toremifene Citrate)

Fareston is yet another SERM, which means Fareston will display both estrogen antagonist / agonist properties in the body. This puts Fareston in the same category as Nolvadex and Clomid, the two most popular drugs in Farestons category. This is, however very different, and you'll soon see why.

Some scientists at a party were bored one day, so they hooked up some time-lapse video to breast cancer cell cultures treated with toremifene (the chemical in Fareston). Ok, the part about them being bored one day is made up, but they really did hook up time-lapse photography to breast cancer cell cultures treated with Fareston. Anyway, they observed this for 3 days, and Fareston caused approximately 60% of the cells to exhibit morphologic characteristics typical of cells undergoing apoptosis or programmed death. The significance of this to you and me is that this is roughly the same thing that would happen to your gyno if you were taking Fareston. Anyway, the number of mitoses gradually decreased to zero over only a 3- to 4-day period. So this stuff causes growth inhibition of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells by inducing some cells to die and by inhibiting other cells from entering mitosis (i.e. from replicating) (1). This stuff will KILL your gyno, from everything I've read (which also means that I've had to read into everything Ive read, if you kinda follow me). Now where was I? Oh yeah kill, that's right. This is certainly good news for someone who wants to get rid of gyno, but since Fareston also prevents the cells from replicating, it will stop gyno from progressing as well as kill existing gyno.

Also of note is that Fareston will reduce prolactin (2), and as you probably guessed, this may raise your Testosterone levels, since prolactin can not only cause lactation, but Fareston also has an inhibitory effect on your Test levels. The unfortunate part about this potentially exciting new compound is that Fareston will also raise sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which will in turn lower circulating levels of testosterone in your body (3).

Perhaps this drug, if Fareston can be found, may be used successfully to treat existing gyno, or as an adjunct during a cycle, but certainly not for an effective post cycle therapy.

Evista (Raloxifene Hydrochloride)

Evista is Eli Lilly & Companys brand name for raloxifen hydrochloride, a second-generation Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) in the benzothiophene family. On September 13, 2007, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved Evista for reduction in the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women with and without osteoporosis. It has also been approved as a potent stand-alone osteoporosis treatment.

Essentially Evista is a non-steroidal, anti-estrogenic drug that possesses both estrogen agonist and antagonist properties. This means that how it acts estrogen promoting with regard to bones, or anti-estrogenic towards uterine and breast tissue depends on the absorption site, i.e. which receptors within the body are absorbing it.

Evista, and raloxifene hydrochloride in general, is most often found in the form of 60 mg tablets. One tablet should be taken daily with or without food. If a dose is missed, take it as soon as it is remembered. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dosage and take only the next regularly scheduled dose. Do not take two doses at the same time.

For bodybuilding/athletic purposes, within the male body, Evista primarily acts as an anti-estrogen. Aromatization is the process by which excess testosterone is readily converted to excess estrogen, which when absorbed by various estrogen receptors throughout the body can incite numerous negative side effects the most hazardous of which is probably gynecomastia (gyno) the development of female breast tissue in men, a condition caused by an imbalance in the testosterone to estrogen ratio.

Evistas actions are very similar to those of more popular anti-estrogens frequently used within the anabolic steroid community such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), two drugs that effectively block estrogens absorption because they are preferred by the estrogen receptors. Anabolic steroid using bodybuilders and athletes take these drugs to prevent said estrogen absorption, causing it to instead continue circulating ineffectively throughout the bloodstream. Estrogens lack of absorption significantly reduces estrogenic side effects, as well as prohibits gynos development by starving existing gyno growth of the nourishing estrogen necessary to sustain and/or increase it. Without access to estrogen gyno shrinks, and in most cases completely dissolves resulting in full resolution. In a small percentage of cases the growth persists, but shrinks substantially and remains susceptible to redevelopment in subsequent steroid cycles if not properly protected against.

Additional Information:
Although Evista is the most prevalent brand of this drug, raloxifene hydrochloride is available in over 50 countries. The most likely reason for Evistas lack of popularity within the anabolic steroid community is cost. One Evista tablet/dose is typically more than $2, compared to the approximately fifty cents cost of a single 20 mg tablet/dose of Nolvadex.

Evista is typically administered after anabolic steroid cycles including Stanozolol, Anavar, Primobolan, testosterone (propionate, enanthate, and cypionate), Trenbolone, Oral Turinabol, Deca-Durabolin, and Halotestin. This is called Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT), a process that bridges the time between cycle discontinuation and the restoration of HPTA.

Side Effects:
There are a host of Eli Lilly and Company cited major possible side effects (of course for women only as per this drugs prescription population), but most are manufacturer safeguards like blood clots, stroke and death from either complication. For the male steroid user, Evista possesses potential for the same major side effects but of course the relatively minor ones are far more common such as irritability, mood swings, joint stiffness or pain, temporarily negative lipid panel & hepatic results, and possible libido hindrance.

Cytadren (aminoglutethimide)

In the world of modern day performance enhancement Cytadren is relatively unknown but not that long ago is was one of the top preferred methods of aromatase and estrogen control. Unlike many similarly related medications Cytadren holds two distinctive benefits; however, it also is found lacking in other regards. While one of the most powerful medications of this class very few will ever have a reason to supplement with it but those who do will find it very powerful indeed.

The Benefits of Cytadren:
There are two benefits to Cytadren use as it pertains to the performance enhancer; estrogen and cortisol suppression. Like Arimidex and Letrozole Cytadren inhibits the aromatase process; so much so estrogen levels are almost completely suppressed when this medication is used. This can be very beneficial for a competitive bodybuilder during the last few weeks of contest prep as it will lend to a dryer and harder look. As amazing as its anti-estrogen benefits are it is the cortisol suppression that really sets Cytadren apart from the rest of the field. This is a trait other aromatase inhibitors and SERMs do not possess. If youre a performance enhancer then you understand how damaging the hormone cortisol can be to your pursuits and since it is largely stress induced and youre putting your body under immense stress do to necessary performance, such as weight training any suppression of cortisol is more than welcomed.

The Downsides of Cytadren:
Strong estrogen and cortisol suppression should sound like a very good thing to any performance enhancer considering the aromatase process is what produces many negative side-effects and cortisol destroys muscle tissue and promotes fat gain. However, too much estrogen suppression is not a good thing as some is needed for gains as well as proper bodily function; particularly the immune system. Moreover, the side-effects of this anti-estrogen can be somewhat problematic as it can zap energy and bring about strong bouts of insomnia and nausea. However, it is its liver toxicity that will be the largest concern as Cytadren is extremely hepatic and if used should only be used for very short periods of time in order to allow the liver time to heal.

There is also another downside that cannot be ignored; most all other medications of this nature will increase testosterone levels in the body; Cytadren lacks this ability. Because it will not increase testosterone there is no use for it during a post cycle therapy plan; this is uncommon among this class of drugs as most are well-suited for this purpose.

The bottom line is simple; Cytadren is a powerful estrogen suppressor with special properties due to its nature that in some ways rank it a little higher than the rest; however, due to what it is also lacking makes it for most a medication they will never need to use. As it has no place in a post cycle therapy plan and the side-effects are abnormally strong for these types of medications most have no business using it. Even so, for the competitive bodybuilder this is the one place we can make an exception; however, we would not advise it being used for a long length of time; either Arimidex or Letrozole will still be this individuals primary choice with perhaps a little Cytadren towards the end of the contest preparation if needed.


Cyclofenil is the least popular of the three Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) being used in athletics today. I actually used this stuff about half a decade ago, when it was just as easy to get as Clomid, and a bit cheaper. As we already know, SERMs cause ovulation in women and (more importantly to us) increase testosterone and other beneficial hormones. This drug actually works by simulating the effects of testosterone via inhibiting the negative feedback loop caused by estrogen, with regards to testosterone production. This in turn causes the increased secretion of Gonadotropin Releasing hormone, which increases output of Luteinizing Hormone which (finally!) increases secretion of testosterone from your testes.

So what we have here is a compound which, being a SERM, will prevent gyno by binding to the estrogen receptor in breast tissue and thus preventing stronger estrogens from binding to those tissues. This should be familiar territory if you remember your facts on Clomid and Nolvadex.

The results indicate that cyclofenil, paradoxically, has two opposing actions on the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis, one of them is estrogen-like, in that it depresses serum FSH levels and competitively binds to breast tissue (this is good, remember), and the other action is antiestrogen-like, in that it depresses serum PRL levels and raises LH levels (4). Overproduction of prolactin, as you recall will suppress Testosterone, and could induce lactation (gross!) in male breast tissue.

From the reading I have done on this compound, I think 400-600mgs/day would be an appropriate dose for use in Post-Cycle-Therapy, or during a cycle (4). Dan Duchaine estimated roughly the same, saying that twice as much is necessary when compared to Clomid, twice as often. Due to its relative expense and unavailability when compared to other SERMs, such as Nolvadex and Clomid, I cant see this stuff making its way into many peoples ancillary regimen.

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Clomid is a drug given to women for use as a fertility aid. It is a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) which acts by actually binding to the estrogen receptor and thereby blocking estrogen from doing the same. Clearly, this is advantageous when it binds to breast tissue, and prevents estrogen from binding there to cause gynocomastia (although it is not nearly as effective as nolvadex for this purpose). It also opposes the negative feedback loop that the body has with regards to estrogen and the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis), and this in turn stimulates LH (Leutenizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). LH and FSH, in turn stimulate the release of testosterone. Clearly this is advantageous to bodybuilders and athletes coming off of a cycle, and beginning their post-cycle-therapy. What we have in Clomid is essentially a drug that acts as a preventative measure against gynocomastia, as well as a drug that acts to raise endogenous (natural) testosterone levels. Usually, it is compared with another SERM, Nolvadex, for those reasons.

Clomid, however, is much weaker than nolvadex in a mg for mg comparison, with roughly 150mgs of clomid being equal to 20mgs of nolvadex (1).It should be noted, however, that 150mgs of clomid will still raise testosterone levels to approximately 150% of baseline value(1). You don't have to use 150mgs, however; in my research, Ive found that doses as low as 50mgs will show improvements and elevations in testosterone levels (4). In fact, my original Post-Cycle-Therapy regime (as suggested by Dan Duchaine in the original Underground Steroid Handbook) was 100mgs per day for a week and 50mgs/day for a week. Dont laugh& for the late 90s, when most anabolic steroid users didn't even know how to use Clomid, it was considered a "state of the art" PCT routine. I suspect that Duchaine originally introduced this compound to the steroid using community.

Clomid, just like nolvadex, is very safe for long term treatment of lowered testosterone levels (2), with some studies showing its safety and efficacy for up to four months. And post-cycle, when steroid users are suffering form lowered testosterone levels, is when clomid is most effective.

Bottom line is, clomid is a great option for post cycle therapy. If used properly, users will report very little side effects and many benefits.

Aromasin (Exemestane)

Aromasin is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor comprised of the active drug Exemestane. Designed as part of a treatment plan in the fight against breast cancer, especially in postmenopausal women due to the nature by-which it actively reduces the flow of estrogen, an enemy for breast cancer patients, by its very action Aromasin has found a welcomed home in the performance enhancing world.

Very similar in many ways to other aromatase inhibitors, particularly Arimidex and Letrozole, Aromasin has some characteristics unique unto its own. Like all aromatase inhibitors Aromasin is useful to the steroid using athlete in the prevention of unwanted side-effects such as Gynecomastia and excess water retention. By its mode of action Aromasin inhibits the conversion of estrogen in the body; as many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen after administration due to the aromatase process, Aromasin actively inhibits this process. By its inhibiting nature the total amount of estrogen in the body is reduced and blocked from binding thereby preventing common associated adverse side-effects.

clenbuterol,steroids,clen While the aromatase inhibiting effect is its primary function and primary reason for using Aromasin it also carries with it other characteristics that may be of interest to the anabolic steroid user. Aromasin has been shown to greatly stimulate natural testosterone production by a slight androgenic nature. While other aromatase inhibitors can also increase total testosterone production Aromasin actively does so while increasing natural IGF 1 production as well; Arimidex and Letrozole cannot boast such a claim.

For the anabolic androgenic steroid using athlete the most important question is when is the best time to use Aromasin as it can be effectively used while on cycle for the prevention of estrogenic related side-effects as well as during post cycle therapy (PCT.) It can be used for both purposes but most will find PCT periods to be best served with SERMs and hCG and the use of aromatase inhibitors while on cycle to be the most efficient method of practice.

Aromasin vs. Arimidex
As illustrated above, the main advantage is aromasin will prevent any estrogen rebound by permanently disabling the aromatase enzyme, while arimidex cannot. Though, arimidex is easier to control in terms of short term dosing; meaning, with short cycles under 8 weeks there is no need to kill your whole estrogen production.

Aromasin vs. Letrozole
Letrozole (letro) is known to be too strong and too harsh. When using higher dosages of letro, many bodybuilders complain of reduced libido and slight depression. This is due to the aromatase in the brain being disabled by letrozole use. It is crucial to control estrogen during cycle, but you should never cripple it or you can face unwanted sides. Even though estrogen is a female hormone, men still need it to function. As with arimidex, letro also cannot boast being a suicidal AI.

Aromasin Side Effects:
In bodybuilding and steroid use, side effects with aromasin are rare when taken at an appropriate dosage. Some guys will complain of joint pain from dryness, so when that occurs the dosage should be brought down. Sides among females are much more common because, even though the dosages are similar, the female body will react differently to an AI than a male will. In addition, females will take this drug for a longer period of time when compared to a steroid user. Bottom line is the side effects of not taking an AI for a male on cycle is much more of a risk.